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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Looking Forward

The weather is starting to clear up a little bit and that smell of spring is finally in the air. Looking at my house and yard all I see is a blank canvas for a summer of remodeling. Thinking about my body too there are a few things I want to change this summer. I have decided to make a list of things I want to accomplish this summer.

-Mulch the side of the house
-Run at least 4 days a week all summer (to counteract the effects of the next thing on the list)
-Brew at least 2 batches of beer
-Build a shed (This is a big one we currently have all of our summer stuff taking up space in the garage. This is a problem every year as we have nowhere else to put it. So this year I am finally going to get that shed built that I have been talking about for so long.)
-Host a neighborhood barbeque, the wife and I have been talking about having a barbeque/party forever but never seem to pull the trigger. That is definitely happening this summer.
-Teach the tanks how to ride a bike. They’re both pretty good with training wheels but I think this is the summer we can get them cruising on their own.

I’m sure this list will double in size in about two weeks but this is all I have for now. What do you guys have on your summer checklist?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Getting My Feet Wet

As you can guess my name is Blake Daniels and I am the dad on duty. As far as blogging goes I suppose you could say I’m new to the game.  My blog will mostly be about my life and my family. I live with my beautiful ambitious wife and our two boys who leave a tornado of destruction everywhere they go, we affectionately refer to them as our “Tanks”. I am very passionate about our families’ health and wellbeing lately I have been getting more and more particular about what we’ll eat and making sure the tanks are getting ample exercise.  So sit back put your feet up and enjoy the ride.